
Hi, I’m Kristen.

Upcoming Events


AnimC’s EPIC: Intensive

I will be teaching Polish for Animation at HSLU - Lucerne University of APplied Sciences and Arts.


Past Events


AnimC’s EPIC: Intensive

I will be speaking at the Animation Collaborative’s Summer EPIC: Intensive on Monday, Sept 12th, 2022. One ticket gets you entry to the virtual event to see all six speakers.

What They Don’t Teach You In School
6pm – 9pm pacific

“Join Kristen as she talks about everything she wishes she was taught in school. From student to freelance animator to a big studio employee – she has tips and tricks to navigate each environment. She will be discussing her journey and what it takes to succeed in the animation industry, important soft skills to have & how to work as part of a team. We will be discussing everything from how to build a successful reel & resume to how to confidently show in a dailies room. This lecture is not technical, but is just as important!”